Boe-Craft Skeeter Ice Yacht Association
Commodore Dan Morton
Vice Commodore Bill Barrett
Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk
Technical Committee
Chairman Fritz Button - 2018 - 2026
Jason Thompson - 2018 - 2024
Boe-Craft Skeeter One Design Specification
12/16/2023 11:30 AM Rev 10
I. General Rules
1. Requirements. For a yacht to be qualified to race as a Boe-Craft Skeeter, it must conform to the following specifications.
2. Interpretations. The basic principle of the specifications is to maintain the class within reasonable limitations as standard, equalized, one design yachts. It is not the intention of these rules to permit everything not specifically prohibited. Requests for interpretations or deviations shall be made in writing and brought before the Technical Committee for review and decision by majority vote.
II. Overall Dimension
1. The distance from the pivot bolt of the front runner to the pivot bolt of the rear runners when measured down the center of the boat will not exceed 22 feet 9 inches.
III. Component Detail Dimensions and Materials
NOTE: Wood and plywood refer to commercially available forest products. Carbon fiber is not allowed in any construction.
1. Hull A. The hull shall not exceed 20 feet in length overall.
B. The mast step cup shall be 8 feet 3 inches from the rear axle bolt
line + 2 or – 1 inch.
C. The rear of the cockpit opening to the bow shall be 16
Feet 4 inches + or – 1 inch.
D. Cockpit width to be 2 feet 9 inches + or – 1 inch.
Measurement to be taken 1 foot foreword of the aft
Edge of the cockpit excluding padding thickness.
E. Hull weight with springboard to be 200 pounds Minimum. Weight
to be measured less all removable upholstery and all ratchet and mainsheet blocks.
F. Hull to be made of plywood and solid wood components.
Fiberglass may be used on the outer surface for repair or
reinforcement with written approval from the technical committee.
2. Springboard A. Overall length shall be 9 feet 6 inches maximum.
B. Construction shall employ no more than 4 laminates.
C. No mechanical spring action is allowed without a class
Approved deviation.
D. Length from the steering post to the King bolt Shall be
5 feet 8 inches maximum.
E. Width 11 inches max. Thickness 2 ¾ inches max.
F. Springboard to be made of wood.
Fiberglass may be used on the outer surface for repair or reinforcement with
written approval from the technical committee.
3. Boom A. Thickness Shall be 3/4 inch to 1 1/8 inches.
B. Max vertical depth at the tack end shall be 2 1/2 inches.
C. Vertical depth at the clew end shall be
8 inches + or – 1 inch.
D. Max vertical depth at center 7 ¼ inches.
E. Length not including jaw 99 inches minimum,
108 inches maximum.
F. Clew plates of stainless steel or aluminum shall be
installed at the tack and clew.
G. One mainsheet fairlead of 5 inch max length is
H. Boecraft pattern to be followed within ½ inch perimeter.
I. A single window is permitted in the boom.
J. Boom to be made of wood. Plywood sides may be used.
Fiberglass may be used on the outer surface for repair or reinforcement with
written approval from the technical committee.
4. Plank A. Cutting edge between runners on plank 17 feet 6 inches
Plank + or – 1 ½ inches.
B. Length overall 18 feet max, 17 feet 10 inches min.
C. Width at center of plank shall be 11 to 11 ½ inches
D. Width at the ends of the plank shall be 9 ½ inches + or –
¼ inch.
Thickness to be 3 inches maximum, 1.8 inches minimum
10 inches from the outboard ends of the plank.
E. Construction shall employ no less than 3 and no more
than 5 laminates of wood. Added wood may be used for repair.
F. Four 3/8 inch bolts shall be used to fasten the plank to
The hull using four holes near the center.
G. Side stay attachment points to be at center of the runner
Chock top plates.
Fiberglass may be used on the outer surface for repair or reinforcement with
written approval from the technical committee.
5. Mast A. Overall length including ball 24 feet 5 inches maximum.
B. Thickness 3 inches maximum, 2 ¾ inches minimum.
C. Width fore and aft to be 10 inches max, 8 inches min.
D. Mast pivot to be centered on the width in noted in C.
E. Hound center strap bolt to be 16 feet 6 & ¼ inches
maximum from the bottom of the ball.
F. Construction shall employ a maximum of 4 laminates.
3 laminates are recommended. Added wood may be used for repair.
Fiberglass may be used on the outer surface for repair or reinforcement with
written approval from the technical committee
6. Runners A. Main blade length 40 + or – ½ inch.
B. Main Blade cutting edge from heel to the point at which
a 0.050” feeler gauge stops at the lead in to be 32.625
C. Steering blade length 32 + or – ½ inch.
D. Steering blade cutting edge from heel to the point at
Which a 0.050” feeler gauge stops at the lead in to be
26.75 maximum
E. Blade steel to be 1095
F. Blade thickness limited to 1/4 inch
G. Blades may not be heat treated.
H. Pivot Hole Location 14 to 15 inches from Trailing Edge
of Main blade.
I. Pivot hole location 11 + or – ½ inch from trailing edge
of steering runner.
7. Sheeting A. Winches are prohibited.
B. A single block is allowed at the tack of the boom.
C. A single ratchet block is allowed on the mast step
D. A maximum of 5 single blocks are allowed
on the rear Deck track and boom clew plate.
E. The maximum pulley diameter is 3 inches.
F. A single Cam cleat is permitted in front center
of the cockpit.
8. Sail A. Sail to be measured on floor with fair lay to cloth.
B. Materials: The sail and patches shall be made from
Dacron. Patch size and layers are not restricted. The
Only additional permitted materials are rope for the luff
and foot, with standard sailmaker hardware to finish the sail.
C. Measurements
Luff (AC)will equal 22 feet 5 inches max, 22 feet min.
Leach (AB)will equal 19 feet 6 inches max, 19 feet min.
Distance from Luff at 90 degrees to outhaul corner (BD)
6 feet 6inches to 6 feet 9 inches
Cloth may not extend more than ¼ inch above the
headboard or 3/8 inch aft of its top aft corner.
D. Eight transverse battens shall be parallel to the foot and
equally spaced along the luff and leach within 1 inch.
The top of the top batten pocket cannot be closer than
20 inches from the measurement hole in the headboard.
The bottom of the bottom batten pocket cannot be
Closer than 1 inch from the foot tape.
Batten materials and tensioning devices are unrestricted.
E. Sails shall be in compliance with ISA measurement
Requirements for class B and be measured and stamped
IV. Currently Approved Deviations
Runner plank set back from standard 6 inches:
Bernie Harrigan - 2xs (Boehmke)
Tim Heine – Icefall (Pegel)
Brendan Cashman – Polar Bear II (Boehmke)
Steve Schalk – Jack in the Green (Boehmke)
Jason Thompson – Legroom (Pegel)
John Simms – Icebreaker (Pegel)
Carl Bergersen – (Pegel)
Tom Freytag – Ice Cap (Lundberg)
Sparky Lundberg – Proud Rebel VI (Lundberg)
Cody Heindl – Ramblin Rebel Too (Lundberg)
Note: The location of the Mast step socket to the center of the runner plank on these boats conforms to the 8 foot 3 inch requirement.
Side and framing stays set in from end of runner plank:
Brendan Cashman – Polar Bear II
Jason Thompson - Legroom
43 inch long main runners:
Carl Bergersen
John Simms – Icebreaker
Spring front steering:
Spring board overall length 10 feet:
Spring board steering post to king bolt 6 feet 7 inches:
Rick Pappas – Akebono
By-Laws of the Boe-Craft Skeeter Ice Yacht Association
Boe-Craft Skeeter Ice Yacht Association
ARTICLE II – Object and Policy
Section 1. To Promote Boe-Craft Skeeter class Racing Governed by this association and to maintain the one design features of Boe-Craft Skeeter ice yachts (side by side Skeeters), as designed by William Boehmke.
ARTICLE III – Organization and Eligibility
Section 1. The individual shall join through a fleet on whose ice he normally sails or by an individual membership. To be eligible for membership, the individual must own or annually lease a Boe-Craft Skeeter as defined by the official specifications. Annual leases are to take effect in conjunction with the annual meeting.
ARTICLE IV – Jurisdiction
Section 1. The association has jurisdiction over all Boe-Craft Skeeter activities. Its class rules govern all sanctioned Boe-Craft Skeeter races, regardless of by whom held. Its By-Laws and rules are binding upon all members and fleets. All registered Boe-Craft Skeeter yachts must conform to its official plans and specifications.
Section 1. Association dues shall be $15.00 per year, payable to the association Secretary-Treasurer prior to the 15th of January of any given year.
ARTICLE VI – Officers
1. Commodore – Chief Executive: Presides at all meetings. Rules on procedures, Jurisdiction; summarizes decisions; appoints special committees; authorizes payment of bills. The term of office is two (2) years.
2. Vice Commodore – Officiates in the absence of the Commodore. The term of office is two (2) years.
3. Secretary-Treasurer – Handles all correspondence and details of minutes, records, collects and dispenses all monies and performs all other duties pertaining to such office. The term of office is two (2) years.
ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees
Section 1. Governing Board: Shall consist of all executive officers. The Commodore shall be Chairman. This committee interprets by-laws, and may pass new ones not conflicting therewith, conducts all business and determines policy of the association. Governing Board rulings shall be binding and final.
Section 2. Race Committee for all Boe-Craft Skeeter regattas shall be appointed by the Governing Board. The Race Committee will supervise regatta arrangements and will operate under the racing rules of the National Iceboat Authority. Race committee members representing the Boe-Craft Skeeter Association for the Northwestern and ISA regattas will be approved by the Governing Board.
Section 3. Technical Committee: Shall answer all questions regarding yacht construction allowances and specifications and shall rule on protests regarding the official specifications for all competing yachts. The committee shall consist of three (3) people including a Chairman. Each member shall have one vote regarding decisions of the Technical Committee. Each member shall serve a six (6)-year term and these terms shall be staggered to ensure continuity. (i.e. one new member shall be appointed every two (2) calendar years). The Chairman, who must have served previously on the Technical Committee, is appointed by the Governing Board. The Chairman in turn appoints the remaining committee members when a position opens.
Section 4. Nominating Committee: Not less than 30 days prior to the annual election, the Commodore with the approval of the Governing Board shall appoint a nominating committee of not less than three members.
Section 1. The annual meeting will be held the first Saturday of December at a location determined by the Governing Board. Special meetings may be called with a minimum of five days notice to the membership. A quorum of five members in good standing is required for any meeting to be official.
Section 1. Each member in good standing in attendance at the annual meeting shall be entitled to cast one vote. Only one vote is permitted per boat. Proxy votes in writing will be accepted. The election of officers is to take place every two years at the annual meeting, with the new officers assuming their duties at the close of the meeting.
Section 1. Until such time as a change in procedure is deemed available and beneficial by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing at any annual or special meeting, Boe-Craft Skeeter Fleet #1 will race under the rules and sailing instructions of the Skeeter Iceboat Club. In order to race in any Boe-Craft Skeeter Fleet #1 races or Boe-Craft Skeeter Regatta races, all participants must be paid members in good standing of both the Boe-Craft Skeeter Ice Yacht Association and the Skeeter Iceboat Club.
ARTICLE XI – Regattas
Section 1. The Boe-Craft Skeeter Ice Yacht Association shall, if conditions permit, Hold one annual Regatta per year. The date and location of this annual Regatta will be determined by the members of Fleet #1 at an appropriate time before the start of the official racing season.
ARTICLE XII – Amendments
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at the annual meeting or special meeting.
Adopted 7/14/2008
Revised 1/15/2010
Revised 12/15/2014
Revised 12/14/2021
Boe-Craft Championship Regatta Conditions
January 31, 2011 Rev 2
7 Race Series
The Regatta is scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The initial schedule will be 3 races on Friday starting at 11:00 A.M. with 3 races on Saturday starting at 10:00 A.M. and one race on Sunday A.M. for a total of 7. The maximum number of races per day is 3. All three days will be used to achieve up to 7 races. The minimum number of races for the Championship to count is 3.
The regatta may not be sailed on Lake Como.
The racing will not conflict with SIBC racing for the Boecraft class or any other fleet. Saturday races will be will be the first 3 regular races of the Morning and/or afternoon series. The Sunday races will be the first regular SIBC races of the day.
The regatta will not be scheduled in conflict with the ISA or NIYA if those regattas are held in the West.
Boecraft Skeeters that are paid members of the Boe-Craft Skeeter Class Association and the Skeeter Iceboat Club are eligible to complete.
Races will be sailed under the rules of the National Iceboat Authority and the Boe-Craft Skeeter Class Association.
Revised to clarify the schedule which was always intended to be as close to 7 as possible using all three days. Also to conform to the Official Regatta Notice posted 1/24/2012.
All 3 races may be sailed on Sunday if no races are completed in the first two days. This sentence - which was in revision 1 still applies. It allows the whole regatta to be sailed on the last day if necessary. It was not included in revision 2 because it is redundant with the additional sentence "All three days will be used to achieve up to 7 races."
December 10th 2011 Rev 1
7 Race Series
The Regatta is scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The schedule will be 3 races on Friday starting at 11:00 A.M. with 3 races on Saturday starting at 10:00 A.M. and one race on Sunday A.M. for a total of 7. The maximum number of races per day is 3. The minimum number of races for the Championship to count is 3. All 3 races may be sailed on Sunday if no races are completed in the first two days.
The regatta may not be sailed on Lake Como.
The racing will not conflict with SIBC racing for the Boecraft class or any other fleet. Saturday races will be will be the first 3 regular races of the Morning and/or afternoon series. The Sunday races will be the first regular SIBC races of the day.
The regatta will not be scheduled in conflict with the ISA or NIYA if those regattas are held in the West.
Boecraft Skeeters that are paid members of the Boe-Craft Skeeter Class Association and the Skeeter Iceboat Club are eligible to complete.
Races will be sailed under the rules of the National Iceboat Authority and the Boe-Craft Skeeter Class Association.
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